Picture of mailbox

GoogleAds (grouped by category) used appear in this location on some of the other pages, where I thought that they added value. New EU privacy regulations (2015) require inappropriate messages to visitors, so the ads have been removed.


Picture of radio



Listen to online radio:

My recovered guide to a really great computer game:

GoogleAds used to appear in this location on some of the other pages, where I thought that they added value. New EU privacy regulations (2015) require inappropriate messages to visitors, so the ads have been removed.

Welcome to Brian's home page!

This site is all about the bright side of life. In fact, if you look all the way to your left, you will see that there are several pages dedicated to just that, starting (not surprisingly) with The Bright Side.

If you are depressed by the endless diet of doom and gloom in the media, who would much rather tell you about a train wreck on the other side of the world than something good happening closer to home, then welcome to something different!

The Bright Side isn't just a collection of laughs, though. Central to it is the philosophy of "Pay It Forward".

I like this philosophy, because I seriously believe that when applied in its many forms, it helps to spread happiness, courtesy and positivity, counteracting the misery, discourtesy and negativity that is constantly being spread elsewhere.

"Pay It Forward" also relates to our care for the environment. If you look at my Environment & Technology page, you won't find much preaching, but you will find many positive and interesting developments, not to mention some neat technology and some great job and investment opportunities!

You may discover some nice new places to visit in my Places To Enjoy Life section, which currently has sub-pages for England, South of France, Corsica, Italy, Florida and Portugal & Madeira.

Part of enjoying life is keeping the brain active. Playing computer games, solving puzzles and trying to understand some intriguing aspects of the universe we live in are all part of this. Collectively I group these under "Mind Stretchers".

Learning to fly a plane (at home, on a PC simulator) can become a very enjoyable life-time hobby, and a very mind-stretching one at that. Being physically confined is no obstacle to exploring the world in quite a different way, and you will make many on-line friends as you go along.

I introduce you to this hobby here, and point you at some good places to get started.

If you are interested in digital photography, then you might be interested in my Beginner's Guide to Photoshop, and possibly my Notes on the Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-RX100 II.

I also provide some help with computers, divided into general information, trouble-shooting and web page creation. Most of this is just a matter of pointing you at other people's excellent work.

A feature of this site is the effort put into providing a large number of (hopefully) useful or interesting external links. You will find these scattered throughout most of the pages, often with a quick summary of the links in the right hand panel.

I would like to offer a special note of thanks to the folks behind Wikipedia, the greatest free knowledge resource in the world, and to everyone who freely contributes to it.

If you follow the links on this site, you will be visiting Wikipedia quite often!

If you like this site, please share it with your friends. Have fun!

  • Navigation
  • Picture of compass As you would expect, the buttons on the left-hand side panel will take you to each main page (some of which have several sub-pages when you get there).
  • To see what's new on this site, click the "Latest Updates" button.
  • The right hand panel contains (hopefully useful) links of various kinds. You will notice that different kinds of links have different colours - you'll get the idea! If you can't distinguish colours, I have tried to use helpful tooltips as well if the colour is significant.
  • Eyesight Friendly!
  • This site has been designed so that you can increase the text size if you need to, without wrecking the layout.
  • Picture of Light Bulb
  • You can adjust the text size in different ways, depending on your browser, as described here.
  • If you hold down the CONTROL key and move the mouse wheel, you may or may not find that you expand the whole page, rather than just the text. This also depends on your browser.
  • My Categorian Blog - Sadly Gone
  • Cat You were very welcome to visit my Categorian Blog, sadly now trashed due to Amazon withdrawing its server. It had the same flavour as these pages but a higher pictorial content. If you like these pages, you would certainly have liked that blog.
  • These pages still contain many references to that blog. I apologise that you will find all those links broken, until I manage to remove them all.

  • Input Always Welcome
  • Picture of mailbox I am most interested in any comments, inputs or suggestions that you may have. Please click this icon to e-mail me.
  • I will always answer e-mails (apart from requests for computer trouble-shooting - sorry!).
  • If the result of your e-mail is an update to this site (no promises!) then I will always mention your name/moniker unless you ask me not to.
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Brian Tooby